File yet another one under the "Lefty Self-Loathing" category. From the UK newspaper The Guardian, an artcile written about Jeff Weise, the accused Red Lake school shooter: Sarah Left uncovers a series of website posts apparently linking Jeff Weise to extreme rightwing politics
No joke. That's the writer's real name. You seriously could not write a better script than this.
Over a five-month period between March and August 2004, someone identifying himself as Weise posted numerous messages on a talkboard hosted by Nazi.org, the website of the "Libertarian National Socialist Green party." The party promotes a Nazi philosophy of racial purity.
To summarize, liberals identify a person who is "socialist," nationalist," and belonging to a "green" party to be a part of "extreme rightwing politics."
Truth be told you could rename "Libertarian National Socialist Green party." to "Libertarian Leftist Leftist Leftist party."
Stay tuned for Sarah Lefty's next article entitled, "The Pope is Pro-Abortion" This will be her third installment of her ongoing series entitled, "Billy Graham: Muslim extremist."
Um, wow...
That is just funny for so many different reasons.
But I'm confused now. Does that make Lefty a "righty"? Or is she a Conservative-Liberal?
Can someone say oxy-MORON!
I'm officially lost...
Alright. I changed the title hoping it would add clarity. I also listed Sarah Left(y’s) ongoing article series at the bottom. ;)
Admittedly, this post is for more of the politically minded person.
But maybe not, Sarah Left(ist) hasn't got a clue...
I like blue...
Timesplitters 3 has ninja monkeys.
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